Same Day Delivery

True Rose Romance

QAR 410

Description Reviews

Product Details:

  • 25 Red roses

This bunch of 25 roses can make a gigantic love inside your crush for you. This is Bouquet brimming with enchanting and gleaming red. Red is the color of love, so gifting this can make your partner happy. Roses are the ideal things that can express love heartily. With us experience the best online flowers and cake delivery in Qatar services.

Flowers Facts:

  • Experts say that Flowers are around 100-140 million years old. They started blooming in the mid-Cretaceous period.
  • In the 17th century, lilies are more expensive than gold.

Product Delivery Information:

  • The picture shown is similar to the actual product. The original one may differ in the number of flowers and size considering the availability.
  • Flowers might be delivered in a completely open, totally bloomed, semi-blossomed, or bud stage.
  • The delivery time will be perfect and relies upon the accessibility of the product and it reaches the preferred location in time.
  • Mention the exact and correct address. The delivery cannot be redirected to any other address. As flowers can decay, They may lose their freshness and fragrance.
  • This item is hand-delivered and won't be delivered through courier items.
  • Sometimes we may replace any flower because of any local inaccessibility issues.

Handle with care:

  • Don't expose flowers to direct sunlight or any other source of heat.
  • As the flowers arrived, Give Them a proper cut and put in water to increase its lifespan.
  • Put the flowers in a vase, change the water daily.
  • Celebrate the joy of love and care.

Extra tip:

  • You will get a free vase with the product. The vase can be saved for further usage.
  • Keep the vase in cool places, In an AC room or under a fan as well as near windows for a long-lasting flower fragrance and freshness.
  • You can save the green paper and ribbon for any decoration purpose once you take off the flowers.

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